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Education is a universal right, and every kid deserves a chance to go to school and learn. Because of the shift to home-based learning, kids are beginning to rely on tech devices like computers and mobile tablets just to attend classes and gain access to educational materials. This need has prompted many kids to ask for laptops instead of toys, tablets instead of clothes.

What’s amazing about these wishes is that they are anything but selfish and exploitative of the wish program. While gadgets may seem materialistic at first glance, the motivations behind the wishes have much greater impacts.

Wanting to perform better in school and the grander dream of becoming a doctor are just some of the remarkable reasons why these wish kids ask for laptops and tablets. Who are we to say that these wishes don’t matter?

Here are Roxanne, Rein, Marcus, and Sabina – kids whose wishes to learn are just as important as any other wish, and have the power to inspire:

Wish kid Roxanne smiles for the camera holding her new laptop from Abensons

“I wish to have a laptop” Roxanne (15, with heart disease)

Roxanne is a hardworking Grade 8 student who consistently scores high in tests and gets the best marks. Her love for learning and dream of becoming a doctor have motivated her to stay in school, even when her old cellphone had made it hard for her to listen to teachers online and read her books.
The kind people from Abenson were inspired by Roxanne’s relentless drive to succeed and wanted to help her realize her true potential as a student and future professional. They sent over a high-quality laptop and accessories that are sure to upgrade Roxanne’s studying experience.
Roxanne is excited to study her favorite subjects, especially History, using her new laptop and to become the best student she can be. We can’t wait to watch Roxanne grow into the kind of doctor she idolizes in her real life!

Wish Kid Rein is all smiles while holding her new tablet

“I wish to have a tablet” Rein (10, with biliary atresia)

10-year-old smiley Rein is a force in the arts and just about every subject in school. As a 3rd grader taking online classes, Rein wished for a tablet device that will help her participate better in class, and be useful for drawing in her spare time. The tablet will also allow her to browse online recipes on TikTok she can test out at home.

Rein dreams of becoming a doctor one day to help out kids with biliary atresia and other critical illnesses. It’s this dream that has encouraged her to stay in school and continue learning. With the help of Kim Basa, a Make-A-Wish Philippines donor, we were able to spread the joy that we hope motivates Rein to pursue her dreams and change the world.

Wish kid Marcus holding his new laptop and sat in a sofa with a Christmas tree behind

“I wish to have a laptop” – Marcus (13, with germ cell tumor)

Marcus is a big Marvel and anime fan, and last Christmas, he had wished for a laptop he can use to do graphic design and animation. His dream is to become a graphic designer and he works to achieve this dream by practicing his drawing skills day and night. Hopefully, his new laptop from Abenson will help Marcus create the art he can be proud of.

We’re excited to see Marcus’ art come to life! We can’t wait to share his artwork with the rest of the Make-A-Wish community.

Wish kid Sabina shows off her new tablet from Catriona Gray

“I wish to have a tablet” – Sabina (10, with heart disease)

Sabina is a bright 10-year-old whose heart disease diagnosis has not stopped her from doing her best in school. Sabina’s love for learning motivated her to wish for a tablet – a tool to make participating in online classes easier for the young girl.

This passion and drive inspired Make-A-Wish Philippines ambassador Catriona Gray to sponsor Sabina’s wish. Thanks to Catriona and her community, Sabina is a step closer to fulfilling her dreams of becoming a doctor.

Every child deserves the chance to learn, especially the wish kids we have the privilege to meet. A chance to go to school and pursue a dream future can motivate a child with critical illness to get better and stay healthy. Recovery is something that affects not only the wish kid but also their family and community.

You can help us transform more lives by donating, sponsoring a wish, or volunteering your time. Create hope, give strength, and spread joy to children with critical illnesses today.

If you wish to learn more about Make-A-Wish Philippines, email info@wishes.ph.